Cambro Hot Box is also a Cold Box – Amazing But True

Cambro Hot Boxes are Cold Boxes - cambro blogCambro’s ‘hot boxes’ are universally used by caterers because they do such a great job at keeping hot food piping hot. But did you know that these ‘hot boxes’ have dual functionality as well? Just as they are great for hot food, they are equally fantastic for cold food, pastries, cakes and confections.

Merci Cakes - Cambro BlogTake the case of an award-winning pastry chef and one of the world’s premier cake decorators, Reva Alexander-Hawk, owner of Merci Beaucoup Fine Cakes and Pastries of Santa Rosa, California. Besides the multitude of Cambro storage containers she uses to store all of her baking ingredients, Reva swears by the many uses of her small insulated carrier, the UPC400, which stays mobile on a CD400 dolly. How does this pastry chef use Cambro ‘cold boxes’?


These ‘cold boxes’ are used for cake deliveries. On a hot day, Chef Reva places individual cakes on trays in the cart to keep them nice and cool. They are always used to transport pastries for dessert tables and other fundraising events.

“I also have trays and sheet pans that fit nicely inside and use them for storage when working on sugar pieces that I do not want anyone to bother.”

Chef Reva loves to take these carriers with her everywhere–most notably for her numerous TV guest appearances on Amazing Wedding Cakes on WE TV.

Cambro Hot Boxes are Cold Boxes - cambro blog - image1

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Helpful for bridal shows as well—she sets the cakes on top of them and pushes it around to showcase her creations.

Bottom line is that maintaining cold temperatures is just as important as hot temperatures. These cold boxes do just that and Chef Reva says “the Health Dept. loves them for being able to keep all my dairy items at just the right temperature.”


Merci Beaucoup Cakes Website | Facebook | Twitter

To learn more about Cambro’s vast line of insulated transport products that can help with your bakery operation, visit

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