5 Ways Cambro Products Will Help Keep Your New Year’s Resolutions

chef resolutions

We’re going to help you make your 2024 mantra “New Year, New Me,” for real this time. Let’s be honest, we’ve all set goals that were more fleeting than a New Year’s Eve party hat. But fear not, fellow resolution renegades, because we’re serving up a buffet of tips and tricks to help you stick to those resolutions longer than it takes for your leftover holiday cookies to disappear, which, let’s face it, is practically overnight.

1. Exercise More

One of the most popular New Year’s resolutions is to exercise more, and for good reason. We’re all so busy that often times taking time for ourselves to work out falls at the waist side. Each January, optimistic people pack into gyms trying to satisfy their goals. While gyms can be a great place to work out, they can come with hefty fees and inconveniently timed classes.

During the coronavirus pandemic when gyms closed down, people were forced to get creative. This is where Cambro comes in. You don’t need expensive gym equipment to get a good workout, just a couple Cambro products.

  • CamSquare: Who needs a heavy dumbbell when you have Camsquare? Fill an 18qt or 22qt with water, it becomes the perfect weight for squats and band walks, like Jess Rosas.  
  • UPCS400: Hot box jumps anyone? Use an empty hot box like our UPCS400 for box jumps in lieu of a box like Instagram user @__regan_stachler__.
  • GoBoxes: We say our GoBoxes are heavy duty and we mean it. When lift comes to shove, using two GoBoxes to hold your barbell is a great way to get in some reps if you don’t have a rack, like Instagram user @Chef.Claire.

BONUS: Our Camshelving doesn’t just work in the kitchen, a CrossFit studio uses it to hold their medicine balls.

medicine balls on shelving

2. Eat Healthier

Eating healthy in a restaurant atmosphere is easier said than done; long shifts and late nights don’t typically support a balanced diet. However, there are a few ways to encourage yourself to make better choices while you’re at work.

  • chef with cam cupActually take Breaks: We know it’s tempting to sit on a Cambro and devour your food, but take a break to eat in a calm environment, away from the kitchen chaos. Going outside or to your cart to eat mindfully can help you enjoy your food and recognize when you’re full.
  • Snack Wisely: Prepare nutrient-dense snacks like nuts, seeds, Greek yogurt or cut-up vegetables ahead of time to keep your energy levels stable between meals.
  • Drink Water: Throughout your shift, stay hydrated by drinking water and avoiding excessive consumption of sugary drinks or caffeinated beverages. Need a chef approved cup? We suggest our Tilit x Cambro Cam Cup.
  • Reduce Salt: Be mindful of salt intake and try to reduce the amount of added salt in your dishes. We know salt is very important in cooking, but utilizing herbs and spices to enhance taste instead will help decrease your chances of high blood pressure.

3. Save More Money

Spending money is inevitable, but wasting money doesn’t need to be. There are a variety of ways chefs waste money every day that are completely preventable with proper food storage, because wasted food = wasted money.

  • 2 Qt Translucent FreshProWhen you receive produce, take it out of cardboard boxes and immediately put it into food safe Camwear® Boxes to decrease the chances of bringing critters and dirt into your restaurant. Not only can critters ruin your food, but it can also cost you big with the health inspector and potentially lose customers.
  • After cutting and preparing your ingredients, make sure everything is stored in a food safe container with a lid to prevent food from spoiling too soon. For delicate produce like chopped tomatoes and pineapple, use a drain shelf or colander pan to lift food away from drippings.
  • Always label your containers. Using StoreSafe Food Rotation Labels, chefs know which food needs to be used first, decreasing the chances of food being lost in the back of a shelf and spoiled once it’s finally found.

4. Spend More Time with Friends and Family

Most of us look forward to going home after work, but oftentimes we immediately turn on the TV or swipe on our phones instead of actually spending time with our friends and family. We encourage you to turn off your devices and teach your loved ones how to make some of your favorite dishes. Pull out your CamSquare of flour and bake something delicious or get creative with a new cocktail. Need something new? Check out some of the featured recipes on our blog.

5. Reduce Stress

In the kitchen, there are two looming problems that every chef has in the back of their mind: sick customers and the health inspector.  

  • Decrease the Risk for Cross-Contamination: During busy periods, the BOH can become hectic. Despite the constant emphasis on adhering to food safety protocols, employees may inadvertently grab the wrong container while rushing to complete an order. Additionally, depending on the offerings in your establishment, there’s a likelihood of having ingredients that some customers could be allergic to. To mitigate potential issues, it’s crucial to make the contents of your containers unmistakably clear by personalizing them with the product’s name. We recommend starting with commonly used ingredients, such as flours and shellfish, which have the potential to cross-contaminate other items. By labeling a container with a specific identifier like “Shellfish only,” or using our Allergen-Free CamSquares to decrease the chances of cross-contamination. gluten free container
  • Keeping Everything Clean: When the health inspector comes knocking, you don’t want to break into a cold sweat. Rusty, flaking shelving and unlabeled containers will only win you disapproving looks and violations from your health inspector. The three of the most common violations are:
    • Improper Temperature Control
      • Failure to keep hot foods at the appropriate temperature (typically 140°F or higher) and cold foods at a safe temperature (usually 41°F or lower) because incorrect temperatures can lead to the growth of harmful bacteria and pathogens, posing a risk to food safety.
      •  Mishandling
        • Poor handling practices that result in cross-contamination between raw and cooked foods or between different types of raw foods. Cross-contamination can introduce pathogens to ready-to-eat foods, increasing the risk of foodborne illnesses. Always store your foods in a containers with a lid to prevent the chances of contamination.
    • Poor Personal Hygiene
      • Employees not following proper hygiene practices, such as inadequate handwashing, not wearing gloves when required or working while ill. Poor personal hygiene can lead to the contamination of food with bacteria or viruses, posing a serious risk to consumers.

While New Year’s Resolutions can be daunting and feel difficult to achieve, but these maintainable changes can foster a happier life at work and at home. 


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