7 Ways to Enhance Hotel Sustainability

Sustainability is not only a pathway towards helping the environment and our planet, but a gateway in the hotel industry towards profitability.

75% of consumers have a more positive impression of the hotel when it has Green programs in place and 90% said that they would choose a hotel with furnishings and supplies that are better for the guest, the community and the planet over comparable hotels.

Over one third of the respondents said they would be willing to spend more to stay at a hotel whose sustainability initiatives are not only in-house but throughout the supply chain.  Sustainability is no longer just a buzz word but a worldwide movement that will continue to grow.

Chef Adrian Hernandez from Irvine Marriott on Sustainability

According to JoAnna Abrams, CEO of Mindclick SGM, a leading sustainability and research firm, “Sustainability can be integrated into the design, construction, furnishing, and operations in ways that provide guests a better hotel experience while taking care of the community and our planet.  Hotels and brands who figure this out first will have a significant competitive advantage in the marketplace.”

Seven Ways to  Enhance Sustainability at Your Hotel:

  1. Lower energy use (energy-efficient CFL light bulbs, use of natural skylights, solar panels, energy demand response systems, use of Energy Star equipment, use of polyester-blend cottons to reduce machine drying time)
  2. Water conservation (shower heads, two-flush toilets and other water saving plumbing fixtures, promoting bedspread and linen reuse, use of room-ready towels)
  3. Recycling of waste (into compost or for animal feed at farms;  paper, bottles and aluminum recycling)
  4. Green meetings (linenless banquet tables, pads and pens made of recycled material, use of water pitchers vs. water bottles, reusable glassware, organic natural food and beverage options)
  5. Use of environmentally friendly, natural, less toxic chemicals; biodegradable materials.
  6. Convert to a paperless system.
  7. Use local vendors as much as possible to reduce carbon footprint.

For more information on a variety of sustainable solutions, visit www.cambro.com/atyourservice.

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